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Deployment of WISE-Paas/RMM 3.1 failed on Azure

I tried to deploy RMM 3.1 to my Azure account but it failed. The following is the details.

I still can open the RMM web site deployed on the virtual machine. When I tried to sign up, an error message occurs which said no mail server. Is it caused by the failed deployment or this is another problem?

Deployment of SUSIAccess on Azure failed

The deployment of SUSIAccess failed on my azure account. I can still open the SUSI web site deployed on my virtual machine. How to login in? What's the default user name and passoword?



1.      IPC控制的機台,怎麼去抓即時的參數?

2.      平台能支援的連線方式有哪幾類 ,像IPC控制的設備可以連線嗎?

3.      平台的能力\極限,你們那邊是否有實測數據,一台SERVER大概能夠連線幾台設備,每秒可收多少訊號之類的



你好 我是飲料店店長, 我們有四家店在中南部, 老闆希望用物聯網來讓客量增加
請問若是要導入大數據的話 向我們這種小餐飲店 該怎麼辦呢?



您好, 我是飯店資訊人員, 飯店的產品是服務, 對象是客人. 那針對貴公司於物聯網的產品上, 有那些可提供服務業使用.

例如 物品辨識系統 , 或客房弱電系統 , 及其他應用.






訊得科技利用WISE-PaaS/RMM 技術, 整合不同通訊格式與介面的資料, 成為產線供應鏈解決方案
1. Agent Handler
透過研華協助, 基於專業經驗, 自行撰寫專用Agent handler, 掌握資料傳輸關鍵  
2. Node-Red
利用Node-red , 編輯設備運行流程
3. Dashboard builder
利用Dashboard , 將收集到的資料  進行視覺化呈現


需求 電池一個月充一次電,有定位功能
有電子柵欄(超過會遠端提醒app),若可以的 放sim卡又不需常充電,可能嗎?

AIMB214 wince7 Remote Desktop connection-Reg

Hi I have installed wince7 on AIMB214.I want to take my embedded computer through the windows 7 pc can you suggest the link for download the RDP software in embedded pc and provide step by step instruction also




物聯網科技的應用,已將傳統建築自動化(Building Automation)提升到真正智慧化的建築(Intelligent Building),不僅增加舒適便利、豐富使用經驗,也加入更多對環境友善的考量─例如自動化的節能控制。
如今,透過物聯網科技,所有裝置皆可連結到網際網路,再連結到伺服器進行資料的 交換與處理。大樓管理員可以坐在中控室,監看儀表板上的資料呈現,了解整棟大樓的各項狀況,視情況進行燈光和空調的控制,以達到最大的舒適與效率。透過行 動科技,儀表板並可呈現於手機、平板等裝置,可進行遠距控制和走動式管理。




研華物聯網閘道器解決方案可針對智慧建築提供快速整合方案,以 ARK-2121L作為物聯網的資料閘道器,該閘道器具有PCIe插槽支援研華獨創的iDoor模組,提供彈性多樣化的I/O選擇。iDoor是一系列 miniPCIe規格的模組產品,提供不同的I/O組合,像是隔離式/非隔離式序列埠、CANbus、LAN、數位I/O、印表機等接頭,可以選購來安插 到ARK-2121L閘道器,並可更換,而使同一系統能支援多種不同的設備和通訊介面,而能以最低成本與不費力的方式將既有設備和裝置連接到閘道器而連上 網際網路。
另一方面,研華提供了WISE-PaaS/RMM套裝軟體作為物聯網軟體平台, 安裝於閘道器和伺服器,其中包括了WISE-agent工具軟體,讓ARK-2121L閘道器在接收到來自感測器和其他裝置的資料後,將所有資料轉換成統 一的物聯網資料格式MQTT,然後送到中央平台(伺服器)。將不同系統資料轉換成一致的格式並整合在統一的平台,才能完成不同設備間的跨系統整合與連結, 此時,原來建築物中各自為政的多個系統,已成為一個網路連結的大系統下的次系統,實現智慧化控制和管理的目標。
在伺服器端,WISE-PaaS/RMM提供超過100個RESTful API, 用於既有軟體整合或是創新應用開發,。系統發展者也可以透過這些程式介面在研華的Web-Access/SCADA圖像式控制軟體平台上開發出他們想要的 使用者介面及各項應用。研華解決方案之各項裝置皆支援RESTful,可以輕易對內和對外連結各項裝置和應用,使系統具備高度彈性化和強大的物聯 網整合能力。
透過研華物聯網解決方案,使用者可輕易開發智慧建築的相關應用,包括:遠端控 制,例如根據監測到的空氣品質和狀況進行自動化空調;省電功能,例如上下班時間辦公室燈光的自動化開啟和關閉;環境監測功能,例如監控二氧化碳與 PM2.5等空氣品質指標。所有資料皆可被上傳到雲端,累積成大數據資料庫後再進行分析,其結果可作為管理階層決策參考。
研華解決方案還有一項便利的設計,系統整合商一旦完成一項iBuilding智 慧建築專案,整套物聯網架構─包括裝置的連結及系統控制流程,皆可匯出儲存,並在另一項專案中重複使用,如此設計師無需再重複進行基礎架構的設計,只需針 對特定功能模組進行編輯或修改,或增加新的功能,即可針對下一位客戶快速發展出符合他們需求的智慧建築,節省大量程式設計與系統開發所需的時間。


l 可透過彈性化的I/O模組快速方便地連結既有設備和裝置
l 以較低成本提供高擴充性,發展更多延伸性的功能
l 閘道器軟體可將不同來源的資料轉換成一致的資料傳送標準,以實現物聯網的溝通
l IoT設計架構可輕鬆複製於另一個專案,減少程式設計工作量,讓系統商可將更多的時間和心力集中於發展客製化的功能來滿足客戶需求,或創造發展出新的功能增加自身產品賣點。
l 完整而就緒的平台解決方案,可解省系統發展時間,加速產品上市時程。
l 提供一次購足的服務,以及堅實的技術支援,確保客戶發展成功。


資料來源: http://www2.advantech.tw/embedded-boards-design-in-services/casestudies/6c18a4fb-1ccc-478a-83e5-dceb082acef8/

如何前進到物聯網時代,關鍵就在於"網路" Looking for Real Smarts in the IoT? Hint: Start with the Network

CENX 執行長 - Ed Ogonek 提到當大家全力衝刺建構物聯網時代,聚焦於更厲害的感測器、數據應用或是終端體驗時,事實上深藏於物聯網之中更重要的議題便在於"網絡",所有智慧化的過程都在網路、軟體中進行,因此在物聯網的趨勢下,我們更應該注意"網路"這個隱藏的議題。
快看看以下文章,Ed Ogonek執行長怎麼解決?

While everyone focuses on the cool wristbands, industrial sensors, data-driven applications and the compelling end-user experience, the real smarts in the Internet of Things (IoT) is largely hidden from the public, and from the media too: The intelligence is in the network, and in the software that keeps that network humming.

Make no mistake: The sensors and devices being designed and used in IoT applications are amazing. Whether geared for consumers, smart cities, the enterprise or industry, IoT cloud-based applications are incredibly powerful, and offer the potential to make a real difference in peoples’ lives. That’s especially true when the back-end applications leverage Big Data for analytics, and apply machine learning and automation to truly create services and products that go far beyond traditional software.

There’s a soft boundary between the IoT and other applications that link remote end-points with back-end servers. Perhaps there’s no boundary at all.

My own home is rapidly becoming a smart, efficient home. My company’s offices are becoming smart, efficient offices. My city is following suit. Now, let’s talk about the hidden challenge of the IoT: Connecting all the mobile and fixed devices, including sensors, to back-end services, whether in the cloud or a service provider’s data center.

If the links aren’t reliable and cannot handle the vastly varying data bandwidth demands, those billions of devices can’t talk to back-end applications. Telemetry can’t be gathered from remote sensors. That means actions can’t be pushed out to remote devices, like remotely-operated surgical devices or automated sprinkler systems. Big Data-centered applications won’t have the data they need to make real-time decisions and carry out real-time actions.

Focus on Commnications Service Providers
The IoT relies upon a vast array of networking technologies, as well as network service providers. There may be wired Ethernet-based Local Area Networks (LANs) within buildings, or Wide Area Networks (WANs) between buildings. There may be WiFi within corporate buildings or public spaces, like an urban park, and that WiFi might be managed by the city or hosted by a communications service provider (CSP).

As organizations look at the IoT, they must consider the reliability and scalability of all the networks. Capacity planning is key to ensuring that network infrastructure is robust enough to handle increased data traffic – but that’s not enough. Most large organizations have extensive contracts with Tier 1 or Tier 2 CSPs to provide WAN services to link their sites, and also connect their networks to cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Enterprises, industries, governments and other organizations looking to roll out IoT at scale must work with CSPs to make sure their systems are also sufficiently robust. Contracts should be studied, in particular for service-level guarantees regarding downtime, bandwidth, elasticity, latency, jitter, and delay. Many new IoT applications are much more sensitive to network performance, and have significantly varying service requirements than traditional applications – especially when so much traffic is going to and from IoT devices on the network edge.

Smart Service Provider Networks

To get ahead of the curve for IoT services, and to differentiate their service offerings, CSPs are proactively changing how they manage and build out their own networks. After all, while some IoT projects will start at an organization’s C-level and work down; many others will begin as quiet, unassuming initiatives driven by various line-of-business departments. In fact, some business managers may be piloting IoT projects and not even realize it, or understand the full benefits and limitations of data networks.

To accommodate the increasing demand for IoT services, CSPs are beginning to instrument their own networks to be more intelligent, more robust, and more data-driven.  Given that IoT projects span multiple networks, orchestration of intra-network and inter-network services is a must, in order to assure the basic connectivity and bandwidth required to provide an array of IoT services. Increasingly, these networks will include Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) infrastructure due to the programmability and scalability that those technologies provide.

The smartest tool in the intelligent CSP network will be orchestrated service assurance and management, driven by real-time Big Data network analytics. Advanced intelligent analytics will help carriers optimize their hybrid physical and virtual networks to be more elastic – better able to accommodate unexpected data traffic and to ensure a high service level quality for all the billions of things, irrespective of what type of IoT application is being executed.

With orchestrated service assurance, CSPs will also be able to identify and isolate network faults, and route traffic over alternate paths until the fault can be repaired. In large networks, after all, faults are going to occur, whether they are caused by fiber cuts, hardware failure, power outages, configuration errors, or excess traffic degrading real-time performance.

Finally, orchestrated service assurance can help service providers meet their customers’ service level guarantees, while simplifying end-to-end management across all the networks used by the IoT, including cellular 3G/4G/5G, WiFi, LANs, and Carrier Ethernet WANs.. When the IoT application needs bandwidth, coverage or specific levels of network performance, it simply must be there.

Thanks to technologies like real-time Big Data network analytics, and orchestrated service assurance and management, communications service providers are the real heroes, the real enablers of the IoT. Those technologies are making a difference in peoples’ lives every day, even if nobody knows it.

資料來源: http://www.iotevolutionworld.com/iot/articles/421843-looking-real-smarts-the-iot-hint-start-with.htm

WISE PaaS/RMM Server & Agent 安裝


WISE-PaaS/RMM is part of Advantech WISE-PaaS cloud solution and focuses on remote device management and monitoring.
WISE-PaaS/RMM serves as an IoT device management platform which manages connected devices remotely, providing centralized management features, including HW/SW status monitoring, remote control, system backup/recovery, etc. Moreover, it supports server redundancy and hierarchical server management, in order to increase service reliability and availability.
WISE-PaaS/RMM utilizes standard IoT protocol, like MQTT from IBM, to communicate with IPC, IoT gateway and sensors, provides WISE Agent framework which accomplishes data acquisition from devices, and offers RESTful API web service which allows user to integrate RMM functions with other application or do further customization.



  • Console-Server-Agent structure, which the server can be built in public or private cloud
  • Centralized remote IPC, IoT device HW & SW status monitoring and management
  • Remote KVM, and support Intel iAMT (i5 and i7)
  • Remote Power on/off and scheduling
  • Hardware, software and gateway threshold rule and notification
  • Whitelist system protection (powered by Intel Security)
  • Remote system backup and one-click recovery (powered by Acronis)
  • Web-based management console
  • Support device map (Google, Baidu, floor map…)
  • Data acquisition and data storage
  • Historical data statistics and query
  • IoT data visualization and 10+ dashboard widgets supported
  • Support hierarchical server management
  • Support redundant servers to ensure high availability and service continuity
  • Support up to 1000 Device (IPC, IoT Gateway) connections
  • RESTful API web service for further development and integration with other systems
  • WISE Agent framework support with customized device handler for device connectivity

WISE PaaS/RMM Sever Setup Download下載點

WISE PaaS/RMM Agent Setup Download下載點


如何運用WISE/PaaS RMM的外掛程式安裝NodwRED?

如何控制 RMM伺服器(SQL)的數據庫?



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