Channel: Recent Discussions — Advantech IoT Developer Forum
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Regarding using PCM-27D24DI without Automation.BDaq.dll in my application

Dear Sir,
I am using PCM-27D24DI in my windows pc. I want access the PCM-27D24DI I/Os without using Automation.BDaq.dll in my C# project. Is there any way? Could you please help regard.

Adam 6217 publishing MQTT data

New customer with a box of 6217's. Looking for configuration documentation so to publish these analog inputs to a local MQTT broker.  Thank you. 

pcm-3365 isa power problem

We can't start board by CN28 & CN29 connectors (ISA). But it succes by CN1.
With pcm-3362 there is no problem.
What we doing wrong?

Advantech Announces Integration with ARM® mbed™ to Enable Scalable IoT Cloud Services


Secure and Scalable IoT Device Management

With mbed Cloud, users can achieve flexible coverage across a vast range of ARM IoT client devices, efficiently manage them, establish trusted security, easily update software on devices in the field, and equip IT and DevOps teams for unparalleled productivity. Advantech integrated ARM Cortex®-M based technology with silicon to develop sensor nodes with built-in ARM mbed OS for enabling mbed Cloud services with Advantech WISE-PaaS IoT Software Platform, ensuring easy integration with existing systems.

“Advantech’s wide coverage wireless connectivity solution is empowered by ARM’s reliable processor technology,” said Miller Chang, Vice President, Advantech Embedded-IoT Group. “With benefits such as low power usage, various wireless transmitting module selections and mbed Cloud services, this combination is perfect for most IoT scenarios.”

“Device-to-cloud security and management are the ultimate enablers for IoT applications to scale, especially for enterprises seeking acceleration to market,” said Dipesh Patel, president, IoT Services Group, ARM. “Integration of certified and ready-to-use solutions built with ARM mbed OS and mbed Cloud services through WISE-PaaS Marketplace will speed the onboarding and management of IoT nodes for businesses.”

Diverse Software Services at IoT Software Platform

Customers can subscribe to mbed Cloud services via WISE-PaaS Marketplace with a few simple clicks to easily deploy, furthermore, WISE-PaaS Marketplace provides IoT Security, PaaS solutions, and pre-configured packages, all of which help construct an IoT ecosystem that fulfills customer needs. Customers can choose a standard suite for creating unique solutions, or combine standard and purpose-built packages to enable IoT edge intelligence and customize an IoT solution according to their specific requirements and usage conditions.

Pre-configured ARM WLAN and LPWAN Solution Packages

By selecting certified IoT gateways – WISE-3610 (LoRa gateway) and WISE-3620 (Wi-Fi gateway) – customers can utilize the mbed OS with WISE-1510 (LoRa) and WISE-1520 (Wi-Fi) nodes designed to fit different RF transmission requirements and environments: LoRa for long range sensor reporting, and Wi-Fi for short range communication with high throughput. IoT sensor nodes transmit data seamlessly to the mbed Cloud.

For more information about ARM mbed Cloud services, please contact your local sales team, or visit the Advantech website at wise-paas.advantech.com/marketplace.

Moving to Cloud with Azure at WISE-PaaS Marketplace

The WISE-PaaS serves as a collaborative ecosystem that provides Microsoft Azure, third- party software, Edge Intelligence Suite, WISE-PaaS Alliance and EIS, all are generated on the WISE-PaaS Marketplace. Advantech provides Microsoft Azure cloud packages for both its custom service packages at three monthly rates and pre-configured solution packages that can be deployed without configuration to assist customers with connecting their industrial solutions to the cloud. All Advantech cloud solutions are available on the WISE-PaaS Marketplace.
Start your cloud adventure with Advantech!

More information about WISE-PaaS, please visit: http://wise-paas.advantech.com/en-us/embedded


Proactive Maintenance Creates New Business Model for Elevator Suppliers


The Era of the Internet of Things has seen a proliferation of inexpensive cheaper sensors, transducers, and data transmission vehicles.This, accompanied with enhanced security technologies, has made customers in various vertical markets more willing to allow their data to stream over the network for IoT applications. Equipment manufacturers, faced with such market trends, are considering how to leverage new technologies to seize the newly burgeoning business opportunities.

Our customer in this case is one of Asia’s most active elevator/escalator suppliers, who has installed over 3,500 elevators/escalators in Taiwan alone, not to mention their growing business base in mainland China and other Asian countries. Imagine the complicated management and huge resources involved in their repair and maintenance works.

With new technologies available, they were seeking a new management system that could help remotely monitor and control their installed elevators/escalators, and therefore develop a more proactive and intelligent maintenance model that streamlined their workflow with improved efficiency and economy. They wanted to replace their traditional, regular itinerary of on-site inspections and failure-reactive model.

Leveraging the solution provided by Advantech, our customer successfully developed a proactive elevator/escalator maintenance system that collects real time operation data from the elevators/escalators, automatically halting the operation of elevators orescalators where monitored parameters reach dangerous thresholds, and alerting the company for needed repairs or componentrenewals. After a 4 to 5 month development period, the system is ready for rolling out, about one and a half years earlier than if they had done it on their own without the help of the Advantech solution.

Application Requirements

After deploying sensors including motor temperature and vibration on each elevator/escalator, the customer needed to install an IoT gateway near the elevator/escalator control system to collect data from sensors via wireless or wired transmission and convert the data (either digital or analog with different formats) into a unified IoT protocol data format and upload the data over the Internet to the remote backend server at the elevator company. If the gateway were provided with sufficient computing power and intelligent capabilities, it would be able to preprocess data, implementing certain monitoring control tasks and uploading only significant data to the backend server. This would help reduce server loading and save tremendously on communication expenses. An intelligentserver with adequate computing power was recommended for this gateway deployed at the edge of the network.

System Solution

For this application, Advantech provided EIS-D150 for device monitoring and data manageability, which is equipped with the Intel®Core™ i5 processing power needed to support large-volume I/O applications. The Advantech EIS series comprises solution-ready platforms preconfigured with the software resources needed for IoT connectivity, data manageability, and cloud services. The EIS solution includes many of Advantech’s powerful software tools, including WISE-PaaS/RMM, an open-standard IoT device remote monitoring and management platform. The WISE-PaaS/RMM can be interlinked withAdvantech’s SCADA software, WebAccess/SCADA, which provides high volume I/O support for large-scale sensor data collection andI/O controls, as well as intuitive graphical user interfaces for supervisory management.

The WebAccess/SCADA is a powerful platform for easy data acquisition and integration, providing over 200 drivers for connecting with sensors and equipment using different industrial communication protocols. For example, the customer in this case uses OPCUA industrial standard for its injection devices; with WebAccess/SCADA, the user can connect the injection devices to the monitoring control system without needing to do protocol conversion. With WebAccess/SCADA, a single EIS-D150 is able to connect with and control over 5,000 I/O points, delivering great systemextendibility and compatibility for system expansion in the future. WebAccess/HMI software can be used to visualize data and flow.

The hot runner monitoring system continuously checks whether all tasks are being completed to spec as required, and if not, it makesautomatic adjustments according to environmental and operational parameters. This requires edge intelligence computing andlogic flow control. Also contained in the Advantech solution package is Node-RED, a powerful logic-flow editing tool with an intuitivegraphical interface, which helps greatly to visualize the process.

Meanwhile, the Advantech EIS  solution also has WISE-Agent built-in. WISE-Agent contains a conversion tool for transforming data into MQTT, IoT-standard language, for upload to a backend server or to the cloud. A Microsoft Azure package is also pre-configured hereto provide optional access to big data analysis or other cloud services.


• Supports massive I/O counts with a single edge intelligence server

• Provides IoT connectivity and manageability for data acquisition, transmission and applications, with seamless cloud integration

• Helps customers add value to their products that distinguish them from competing products and improve market competitiveness

• Helps end-users build Industry 4.0 infrastructure for implementing intelligent manufacturing

低功率廣域網路(LPWAN)技術 激發智慧城市的物聯網應用

物聯網無線傳感平台專家  陳徐臣

從電腦到智慧型手機,連網設備逐漸滲透在日常生活周遭,常見的藍芽、Wi-Fi、3G或LTE等連線方式,伴隨著萬物聯網的趨勢,全球對於低功耗廣域網路(LPWAN, Low-Power Wide-Area Network) 需求增加,區分為使用免費頻譜,如SigFox、LoRa,以及3GPP主推使用授權頻譜的LTE CAT-M和NB-IoT等。低功耗廣域網路 (LPWAN) 雖然有各種不同的無線技術,但都具備共通的特色。
  • 低功耗:大範圍佈建的物聯網應用,會面臨到欠缺電源供應的問題,所以多數會以搭配電池或是太陽能設計,以低資料量傳輸來達到低耗能,避免頻繁的替換電池會造成後續的維護成本過高,因此在應用上會訴求多年或甚至高達十年以上的電池壽命。
  • 廣域的覆蓋範圍:長距離通訊的特色,以單一節點連結到閘道器或基地台,最遠距離可達到數公里甚至十多公里。藉由多個閘道器佈建,達到廣域範圍的網絡覆蓋,覆蓋範圍內的連線裝置即使位於不同區域、連線至不同閘道器,也能互相傳送資料,進一步提升資料傳輸的範圍。

  • 固定式:特色為傳輸量小 (<10Kbps),傳輸間隔由數十分鐘到數小時,藉由長時間的休眠達到低功耗,可以透過各類型的傳感器來收集周邊環境資訊,強化對環境的偵測、管理並提供資源分配,達到資訊即時性並可進一步改善生活品質。其中許多裝置的通訊,就仰賴比一般方式更省電的低功耗廣域網路來達成,部署在廣大的區域減少人員的維護或操作,對電池的需求會是以七年以上為需求。典型的案例如智慧電表,透過定時傳送消耗水電瓦斯的數據,取代用人工抄錶方式,可以讓能源消耗的資訊能更精準有效分析,進一步做到能源上的分配規劃。其他的需求應用也可包含警示偵測、智慧路燈、智慧建築、環境偵測、智慧停車、智慧農業等。 
  • 移動式:傳輸量較高於固定式的需求,應用需要較頻繁的連線,現階段多為車隊管理,透過3G或LTE傳送車輛路線位置、油耗及車輛狀態,進一步提供維修警示建議,來改善提升車隊效率。就連近日流行的共享單車,也隨著LPWAN的普及,逐漸更換低功耗廣域的無線技術來降低使用成本。相似的應用需求也包含了:資產管理、人員管理、畜牧偵測、貨櫃管理等。
  • 資產追蹤:設備或牛群等資產,搭載GPS或感測器,提供長距離的定位資訊,作為資產追蹤的相關應用。
  • 停車管理:於停車位上佈建感測器,駕駛人可透過平台或APP,搜尋距離最近的停車場與車位,降低車輛尋找車位的油耗,並提高車位使用效率。
  • 環境監測:國土或環境偵測,如:地震、橋梁、道路、土壤、水質及空氣品質等即時偵測資訊,都可以搭載對應感測器,做廣域範圍的環境偵測及資訊分析。
  • 智慧讀表:搭載水、電及瓦斯表,提供遠端自動讀表與洩漏偵測等服務,降低人工作業成本
  • 智慧建築:搭載CO, CO2, 火災、移動及溫溼度感測器,提供中控中心遠端偵測的相關即時資訊,降低佈建上的成本。  
針對智慧城市的應用,研華推出WISE-1510 LoRa 感知節點模組,可依照應用場域的需求搭配不同模式使用,例如: 公開網絡的LoRaWAN模式或是搭配WISE-3610 LoRa Gateway於私有網絡的Private LoRa模式 (圖一)。

圖一: WISE-1510 LoRa 感知節點模組可支援搭載電信商提供的LoRaWAN網絡服務或是搭配WISE-3610 LoRa Gateway適用於私有LoRa網路模式

WISE-1510 搭載Arm推出適用於Cortex-M 的   Mbed OS, 建構在RTOS kernel上並整合所需的物聯網連結性、安全性及共用的Driver API,開發者可以到Mbed開發平台上相關的免費資源,縮短整體開發時程,提升相關的安全性。WISE-1510採用模組化設計,整合了微處理器、收發器及標準化的I/O感測器介面,開發者可利用WISE-1510提供的軟體開發套件及完成的無線認證,減少整體開發費用。WISE-1510 LoRa節點與WISE-3610 LoRa閘道器整合端到雲的平台,可提供兩種WISE-PaaS/RMM 或是 Arm Mbed Cloud平台連結選擇,加速工業物聯網的應用開發。


LoRa 物聯網解決方案 >>  立即查看

Is it possible to send data from WISE-4012 to private IIS server?

I have WISE-4012 and would like to send data to my IIS Web server (currently I send data to my Dropbox account, and it works fine). I tried to choose "Private server" in configuration of WISE-4012, and set my IIS server IP and port. The web server is working, (I created directory /upload_log, /sys_log and /io_log, and place there some index.html file to check if the server is working), but the WISE-4012 can't upload file there. There is upload and push error in logs. How to configure IIS to be able send data to it? Does anybody tried to do this? Is it possible?

Best regards

Using node-red to activate relay on Wise-4012e

I have looked at the documentation for REST API for WISE-4012e, but must be doing something wrong.
In the doc, this is stated : 

Request: PUT /do_value/slot_0/ch_2
Content-type: application/json
{ "Ch":2, "Md":2,"Stat":0,"Val":0,"PsCtn":0,"PsStop":0,"PsIV": 0 }

Response: 200 OK

With my simple setup to trigger DO0 : 

[{"id":"619ea5e4.29d48c","type":"inject","z":"727d5bd1.f17394","name":"ClickOn","topic":"","payload":"{ \"Ch\":0, \"Md\":0,\"Stat\":1,\"Val\":1,\"PsCtn\":0,\"PsStop\":0,\"PsIV\": 0 }","payloadType":"json","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":188.5,"y":190,"wires":[["382acef1.deb272"]]},{"id":"382acef1.deb272","type":"http request","z":"727d5bd1.f17394","name":"SetIt","method":"PUT","ret":"txt","url":"","x":360.5,"y":190,"wires":[["6cda9e53.af642"]]},{"id":"6cda9e53.af642","type":"debug","z":"727d5bd1.f17394","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"false","x":528.5,"y":190,"wires":[]}]

- I only get "ERR: 1000" "Msg:" as a response.

I really have tried googling and searching, but I cannot find a good guide or template to do this in node-red. Does anyone have any examples or links to share ?

Problem in I210 Ethernet controller in 6867 board


I am working with the Ethernet driver in SOM-6867 board.

I have observed that the driver is not working, if we set something other1than Auto-Negotiation in the board side (I.e. 100-Half, 10-Full etc.).

I am working with I210's internal PHY.


The sequence for setting some speed/duplexity in PHY is mentioned in section PHY Reset of the data sheet.
I have found that all other steps are OK, but setp 7"Wait for the CFG_DONE bit (EEMNGCTL.CFG_DONE0)." not OK. This bit is never getting set.

I have tried to perform some delay(around 100ms) instead of step 7, and rest of the sequence as sequence PHY Reset. In that case, the driver worked properly in 100/Full case.


Could anyone help in this matter.


Please note I have checked this with another different board(that means another type of target board,not the another copy of same type board). And have not faced this problem.


Iam using the ADAM 6xxx and what receive data from it using the REST API.
Where can I found the documentation for these REST API's?

[研華xArm 線上研討會] 實戰三大物聯網關鍵應用:端點安全、設備管理、即時更新


研華偕同 Arm 帶你揭開物聯網軟硬體整合的面紗,在11/07 上午10:00的研討會中,專家將以智慧城市、智慧工廠、智慧農業三大領域,從研華無線傳輸模組到Arm Mbed雲服務,帶你一覽無遺從端到雲的完整物聯網解決方案,透過軟體實際操作帶你體驗端點安全、遠端監控以及即時更新的功能,一站式成就你的物聯網方案,為企業打開無限商機。


Do you create Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices? Share your opinions with Intel.

Intel Corporation is looking for people who are creating the future of Internet of Things (IoT) like Fog, Edge Computing, Intelligent Gateways, and other smart devices to share their thoughts about what it takes to create the future of Internet of Things (IoT).  The promise of IoT is tremendous, but what does it take to make IoT devices real?  

How are you creating the future of IoT devices today?  We invite you to share your perspectives on this important topic by using your iPhone or Android device to participate in a mobile research study.  If you are a tried and true IoT professional who is creating smart devices, go to https://participate.dscout.com/opportunities/6adf8e28fb63 and apply now.  We'll ask you about your work today, what works at work, what doesn't, and what you envision in the future! 
For this study, we will use dscout, a well-respected mobile research tool that is secure, private, and easy for you to use.  You will need to download the dscout app for iPhone (4s or newer) or Android (running 4.1 or newer).  You can delete the app from your phone at the end of the study.  Complete the study and get $250. 
Note: we will ask you take photos or create videos, if you work in a setting where such is prohibited, don’t worry.  We will provide you with alternatives (for example, snag a picture of something similar off the internet) that will pass legal and security scrutiny.

How to connect my ARK 1123H to my screen

I have a ARK 1123 without any VGA port, but HDMI and USB. There is no guide on how to connect them. So I guess I can use USB for mouse and keyboard, and HDMI for display. Any clue how to connect it to my screen only with VGA port?

How to apply emotions and Sentiments in IoT?

With the increase in applications of Artificial Intelligence, the development is IoT is also increasing day by day.

Custom Software Development


Scopes of work that we usually categorise as custom software development include:

  • Developing installable desktop applications
  • Integrating with existing software (such as: CRM, CMS, internal applications)
  • Extending & enhancing existing software
  • Configuring or improving hosting
  • Bug fixing and performance optimisation
Need help with something not on this list? Get in touch and let us know the details, we will either be able to help or will let you know who you need to speak to.


Would like to confirm whether MIC-1911 model has been discontinued 
If yes, what is the replacement model no

研華LINE@好友盛大招募 新春活動50點大贈送

研華科技積極拓展物聯網產業應用,打造物聯網知識庫與 B2B 社群平台@研華物聯網_IoTMart(搜尋ID:iir8279w),於新春期間推出兩波限定活動,第一波自2/1至2/14 盛大招募LINE好友「物聯網關鍵詞 由您LINE尋找」,尋找關鍵詞並留下完整資訊,即獲贈40LINE點數,第二波自2/21至2/28好友邀請新朋友加入@研華物聯網_IoTMart,並留下新朋友完整資訊,即加贈10LINE點數。




SDWAN Failover

Hey guys, feel free to send me an email if you would like some info on SDWAN solutions and remote connectivity. Or post a question on here. 


Advantech Launches WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense to Enable Edge Intelligence and Sensing Integration

Advantech, a leader of the global industrial computing market, today announces the release of WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense, an edge intelligence and sensing integration software solution that incorporates sensor data aggregation, edge analytics, and cloud applications for the rapid and easy acquisition/analysis of real-time data from which operational intelligence can be derived. The solution is key to edge devices being able to acquire and preprocess data easily in edge computing applications, including the setting of rule operations for processing event data in real time, as well as data preprocessing for cloud-based analytics and visualization.

From Data Collection and Edge Analytics to Cloud Applications 

The process of deriving operational intelligence starts with the acquisition of data from IoT devices. The built-in WISE-PaaS/WISE Agent integrates various sensing data formats for the aggregation of sensor data via either wired or wireless approaches. WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense provides an open and standard interface that offers not only remote monitoring but also control capability for managing the many types of devices. It also acts as a bridge for transmitting sensor data from the field to the cloud. 

For instance, the MQTT protocol’s bidirectional cloud connectivity means that in addition to being able to acquire data, customers can also deploy commands remotely. This allows simple logics to set up for the local evaluation of collected data. Thus, it is considerably more efficient for data processing, and its value is especially notable for saving time and handling throughput-sensitive cases. It is feasible to execute algorithms for AI and predictive maintenance on both the edge and the cloud. WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense is designed to aid our partners and customers in increasing their overall operational efficiency and realizing IoT value.    For more information about WISE-PaaS, please contact your local sales team or visit the Advantech website at wise-paas.advantech.com/embedded. For information on edge intelligence servers, please visit eis.advantech.com.   

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