Channel: Recent Discussions — Advantech IoT Developer Forum
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IOT Gateway


How many modbus registers are supported by our IOT gateway's?
Does our IOT gateway supports MQTT protocol?

Correspondance between Wise1520 IO and CC3200 IO

Dear Advantech Support,

I am trying to custom the wise1520_demo to use IO others than GPIO0 and GPIO1 but I can't find document answering which CC3200 IO corresponds to which wise1520 IO. I could only find in the source code that GPIO22 is GPIO0 of Wise1520 and that GPIO28 corresponds to GPIO1.
Best regards,

Some reference for developing a WISE-Agent plug-in

4050 Private Cloud

Hi I developed an application using WiSe 4012 private cloud protocol. Now I bought 4050 because I need to use LAN version and not Wifi, on my surprise I discovered that 4050 LAN version not support private cloud protocol. I can't understand why.

Is there a mode to get data from memory of 4050 ? I can't use protocol modbus lan, because my application can do a polling each 3 seconds, and digital signals can changes each 0.5 msec.

WISE - Agent Modbus Handler Developer ’ s Guide


Abstract :
  • Provisioning & Communication
  • Core Management
  1. Send Capability
  2. Report Data
  3. Upload Data
  4. Get Data
  5. Set Data

Visualization for IoT


With billions of sensors collecting trillions of data points, the Internet of Things will amass data on a scale never before seen. Only when we analyze that data can we truly release the value of the internet of things.

The primary value in an IoT system is its ability to perform analytics on the acquired data and extract useful insights however building a pipeline for performing scalable analytics with the volume and velocity of data associated with IoT is no simple task.

GE estimates that convergence of machines, data and analytics will become a $200 billion global industry over the next three years, and despite the fact that this potential is already beginning to be realized, there are still many unanswered questions and challenges associated with this.

The 14 best data visualization tools

For Developers



D3.js, short for ‘Data Driven Documents’, is the first name that comes to mind when we think of a Data Visualization Software. It uses HTML, CSS, and SVG to render some amazing charts and diagrams. If you can imagine any visualization, you can do it with D3. It is feature packed, interactivity rich and extremely beautiful. Most of all it’s free and open-source.

It doesn’t ship with pre-built charts out of the box, but has a nice gallery which showcases what’s possible with D3. There are two major concerns with D3.js: it has a steep learning curve and it is compatible only with modern browsers (IE 9+). So pick it up only when you have enough time in hand and are not concerned about displaying your charts on older browsers.

cloud and fog computing for IoT

What software implementation can be used for cloud and fog computing for IoT?

WISE-PaaS Marketplace Cooperates with ARM, Microsoft, Intel Security, and Acronis


Advantech WISE-PaaS Marketplace Cooperates with ARM, Microsoft, Intel Security, and Acronis to Enable IoT Edge Intelligence

Advantech (Taipei:2395) today announced that it is collaborating with ARM, Microsoft, Intel® Security and Acronis on a new sharing platform–WISE-PaaS Marketplace–to be unveiled at Embedded World 2017. It a new business model that enables customers to create diverse IoT software/cloud solutions easily and quickly within a collaborative software ecosystem for business growth and service innovation. Advantech further announced its new-generation Intel®-based IoT platform Edge Intelligence Server (EIS), featuring integrated hardware plus WISE-PaaS software to enable IoT connectivity, data manageability, and analytics in the edge. Through theWISE-PaaS Marketplace and EIS, Advantech and its partners not only accelerate IoT implementation, but also benefit customers in multiple industrial vertical markets.

“Advantech has always been committed to upholding the spirit of ‘partnering for smart city and IoT solutions’. Collaborating with software partners, the WISE-PaaS ecosystem provides a flexible and expandable architecture that facilitates the seamless integration of diverse cloud services, software solutions, and solution-ready packages (SRP API), all offered at the WISE-PaaS Marketplace. Customers can choose from a variety of software solutions, purchase a standard suite for creating unique solutions, or combine standard and purpose-built packages to enable IoT edge intelligence and customize an IoT solution according to their specific requirements and usage conditions,” saidAllan.Yang, CTO, Advantech. “We strongly believe that this new service innovation not only completes Advantech’s IoT offering, but also offers a leading advantage to Advantech’s customers in multiple industrial vertical markets.”
“End-to-end security from chip to cloud services on constrained devices is the ultimate enabler for IoT applications to achieve scale. The Advantech WISE-PaaS cloud takes advantage of strongsecurity and device management across ARM® mbed™ OS and mbed Cloud for constrained devices," said Dr. Krisztian Flautner, Vice President of Technology, IoT Business, ARM "This Marketplace provides quick access for developers to the widest range of secure IoT clients based on the ARM architecture for applications."
“Advantech's latest advancements are a natural extension of an ongoing collaboration with Microsoft,” said Rodney Clark, Vice President, Device Sales. “As they build their next-generation products and services,customers continue to benefit from the scale and reliability of Microsoft Azure remote monitoring and predictive maintenance pre-configured solutions available from the WISE-PaaS Marketplace."

“Intel Security’s embedded solutions provide intelligent security functions which gives added protection to Intel-based devices and data,” said Tom Moore, Vice President, Intel Security. “The WISE-PaaS/Security Solution, powered by Intel® Security technology, offers a centralized IoT security management console on Azure, which can easily accommodate diverse vertical applications and use case scenarios.

” Digital data is one of the most valuable assets and we feel it’s important to provide clients with the most comprehensive data protection,” saidSergiusz Wiza, Acronis Vice President OEM EMEA. “To efficiently reduce time and costs for system integratorsand end users, Acronis backup and recovery solutions can restore systems to their factory settings on site.” Acronis is pleased to collaborate and work closely with Advantech by providing complete data security solutions at WISE-PaaS Marketplace.”

Advantech will continue to collaborate with worldwide partners and focus on the development of WISE-PaaS Marketplace and Edge Intelligence Server (EIS) to expand its platform-sharing values. The collaboration will accelerate deployment of the IoT and help tostimulate device-to-cloud IoT solutions.

[Challenge your IoT Experts] Building up Edge Intelligence Solutions


Building up Edge Intelligence Solutions

Advantech Provides First IoT  Edge-to-Cloud Solution to Speed up IoT Implementation

Edge Intelligence Server accelerates IoT implementation by providing integrated solutions with edge computer, WISE-PaaS software packages, IoT development tools, pre-configured cloud services, plus the flexibility to add on more software modules from the WISE-PaaS marketplace that enable IoT connectivity, data manageability and analytics in the edge.

Get to know more: https://goo.gl/E3ckow
Take the Quiz : https://goo.gl/Oa3Xq1
Challenge your IoT Experts

Don't know how to build up your own IoT solutions? Feel difficulty about lack of R&D resources, data gathering due to diverse sensor interface and protocols? Long development lead time drives you crazy and no one could answer your question? Well, here is your big chance! Tell us your question and our experts will promptly reply to your inquires.

Ask our IoT Expert


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[Challenge your IoT Experts] Simplifying your IoT Deployment to Cloud


Advantech simplify your IoT Deployment to Cloud

Enabling your IoT Edge Intelligence with Collaborative Software Ecosystem

The WISE-PaaS Marketplace is an online software store that features Advantech’s exclusive software services, diverse IoT cloud services, IoT security services, WISE-PaaS IoT software services, and solution packages pre-packaged into Advantech Edge Intelligence Servers (EIS). The WISE-PaaS Marketplace also integrates IoT partners’ cloud and software solutions to accelerate the development of tools for upgrading existing systems to the cloud. Customers can subscribe to WISE-PaaS Marketplace services using WISE-Points provided with WISE-PaaS VIP membership packages to obtain cloud-based software solutions that facilitate innovation for the IoT.

Get to know more : https://goo.gl/YTdjRx

Download the White-paper  : https://goo.gl/v4LDwj

Challenge your IoT Experts

Still worried about no appropriate software application on your IoT device?Feel difficulty to remote control and manage all diverse of IoT devices?Worried about is your data safe from virus infection?Well, here is a big chance! Please tell us the bottlenecks when you develop your own IoT solutions. And our experts will promptly reply to your inquires.

Ask Our IoT Expert

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REST API for WISE-4012E relay access



Does anyone know the REST API (POST) for switching on/off relays in WISE-4012E

Acronis issue

i am using OTA to download Acronis package by wise paas/rmm but during download it stopps and i can't download AcronisSetup-v1.1.16.919-6dcb6c304c2170a392f993e9a711d82a.zip  Can you send me the file with droppbox?
Thank you for your support.
Best regards.

enable both LAN1 and LAN2 on UBC-330

We have bought UBC-330 board last week and exploring it. We are struggling with one issue on it. 
What I have done is edited /etc/network/interfaces file and added 'auto eth1' to start both eth0 and eth1 from boot time
After changes I have connected 2 LAN cables and restarted board but board is not coming up. Not able to login via ssh nor board is showing it in list of router.
I removed one LAN cable and rebooted board and it works. I connected LAN cable to other port while board is running but IP address is not being assigned to new port.
How to fix this?
What I want is to use both LAN1(eth0) and LAN2(eth1) in my program for sending and receiving data.


TIC 100 Slides

iBuilding 討論區

歡迎同學一起來討論 iBuilding 相關的議題

Green house 温室討論區

歡迎同學提出 green house 相關議題一起討論

Smart factory 相關討論

同學若有 smart factory 相關議題要討論, 可以貼在這噚! 


同學如果有智慧零售相關的議題要討論, 可以在這發佈喔!

Bring your device on EI-PaaS

Welcome to feedback any question you have for your device connects to EI-PaaS

EI-PaaS Developer Network

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