Regarding using PCM-27D24DI without Automation.BDaq.dll in my application
Dear Sir,I am using PCM-27D24DI in my windows pc. I want access the PCM-27D24DI I/Os without using Automation.BDaq.dll in my C# project. Is there any way? Could you please help regard.
View ArticleAdam 6217 publishing MQTT data
New customer with a box of 6217's. Looking for configuration documentation so to publish these analog inputs to a local MQTT broker. Thank you.
View Articlepcm-3365 isa power problem
Hello!We can't start board by CN28 & CN29 connectors (ISA). But it succes by CN1.With pcm-3362 there is no problem.What we doing wrong?
View ArticleAdvantech Announces Integration with ARM® mbed™ to Enable Scalable IoT Cloud...
Secure and Scalable IoT Device Management With mbed Cloud, users can achieve flexible coverage across a vast range of ARM IoT client devices, efficiently manage them, establish trusted security, easily...
View ArticleMoving to Cloud with Azure at WISE-PaaS Marketplace
The WISE-PaaS serves as a collaborative ecosystem that provides Microsoft Azure, third- party software, Edge Intelligence Suite, WISE-PaaS Alliance and EIS, all are generated on the WISE-PaaS...
View ArticleProactive Maintenance Creates New Business Model for Elevator Suppliers
The Era of the Internet of Things has seen a proliferation of inexpensive cheaper sensors, transducers, and data transmission vehicles.This, accompanied with enhanced security technologies, has made...
View Article低功率廣域網路(LPWAN)技術 激發智慧城市的物聯網應用
物聯網無線傳感平台專家 陳徐臣 從電腦到智慧型手機,連網設備逐漸滲透在日常生活周遭,常見的藍芽、Wi-Fi、3G或LTE等連線方式,伴隨著萬物聯網的趨勢,全球對於低功耗廣域網路(LPWAN, Low-Power Wide-Area Network) 需求增加,區分為使用免費頻譜,如SigFox、LoRa,以及3GPP主推使用授權頻譜的LTE CAT-M和NB-IoT等。低功耗廣域網路...
View ArticleIs it possible to send data from WISE-4012 to private IIS server?
Hi,I have WISE-4012 and would like to send data to my IIS Web server (currently I send data to my Dropbox account, and it works fine). I tried to choose "Private server" in configuration of WISE-4012,...
View ArticleUsing node-red to activate relay on Wise-4012e
I have looked at the documentation for REST API for WISE-4012e, but must be doing something wrong.In the doc, this is stated : Request: PUT /do_value/slot_0/ch_2Content-type: application/json{ "Ch":2,...
View ArticleProblem in I210 Ethernet controller in 6867 board
Hi,I am working with the Ethernet driver in SOM-6867 board.I have observed that the driver is not working, if we set something other1than Auto-Negotiation in the board side (I.e. 100-Half, 10-Full...
Iam using the ADAM 6xxx and what receive data from it using the REST API.Where can I found the documentation for these REST API's?
View Article[研華xArm 線上研討會] 實戰三大物聯網關鍵應用:端點安全、設備管理、即時更新
研華偕同 Arm 帶你揭開物聯網軟硬體整合的面紗,在11/07 上午10:00的研討會中,專家將以智慧城市、智慧工廠、智慧農業三大領域,從研華無線傳輸模組到Arm Mbed雲服務,帶你一覽無遺從端到雲的完整物聯網解決方案,透過軟體實際操作帶你體驗端點安全、遠端監控以及即時更新的功能,一站式成就你的物聯網方案,為企業打開無限商機。 >>免費註冊我的線上研討會<<
View ArticleDo you create Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices? Share your opinions...
Intel Corporation is looking for people who are creating the future of Internet of Things (IoT) like Fog, Edge Computing, Intelligent Gateways, and other smart devices to share their thoughts about...
View ArticleHow to connect my ARK 1123H to my screen
I have a ARK 1123 without any VGA port, but HDMI and USB. There is no guide on how to connect them. So I guess I can use USB for mouse and keyboard, and HDMI for display. Any clue how to connect it to...
View ArticleHow to apply emotions and Sentiments in IoT?
With the increase in applications of Artificial Intelligence, the development is IoT is also increasing day by day.
View ArticleCustom Software Development
Scopes of work that we usually categorise as custom software development include:Developing installable desktop applicationsIntegrating with existing software (such as: CRM, CMS, internal...
View ArticleMIC-1911
Hi,Would like to confirm whether MIC-1911 model has been discontinued If yes, what is the replacement model no
View Article研華LINE@好友盛大招募 新春活動50點大贈送
研華科技積極拓展物聯網產業應用,打造物聯網知識庫與 B2B 社群平台@研華物聯網_IoTMart(搜尋ID:iir8279w),於新春期間推出兩波限定活動,第一波自2/1至2/14 盛大招募LINE好友「物聯網關鍵詞...
View ArticleSDWAN Failover
Hey guys, feel free to send me an email if you would like some info on SDWAN solutions and remote connectivity. Or post a question on here.
View ArticleAdvantech Launches WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense to Enable Edge Intelligence and...
Advantech, a leader of the global industrial computing market, today announces the release of WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense, an edge intelligence and sensing integration software solution that incorporates...
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