be in before in domestic outfit, people uses ceramic tile normally compound perhaps floor comes laid ground, the budget compares much word, still can choose real wood floor board. All the time since, people is to real wood floor favor has add, feel wooden floor is healthy environmental protection, and the foot feels comfortable, suit to build a sweet home very much. But better solid Mudebanshi holds high in the price, number and even the material charge of 2289 make a lot of families flinch. Floor of a kind of bamboo appears on the market nowadays now, the exterior and real wood floor are about the same, but use rise how? A lot of people do not understand floor of this kind of bamboo, still be in wait-and-see attitude. Is bamboo floor still wooden floor very good? This also is a lot of people pressing the issue that wants to know. This article we answer to this problem doubt dispels doubts. Is the floor of actor defect bamboo that bamboo floor decorates floor of effect picture bamboo still is the bamboo floor with wooden good floor very still wooden floor very good? Want to answer this question, what we understand first is bamboo floor, whats does the actor defect of bamboo floor have.
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